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Diary Entry - 05/11/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-11-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with Republican Members of Congress to discuss upcoming issues.

  • President Reagan attends the annual President's Dinner fundraiser.

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Started day talking about Trade Bill. Jim Wright is staging a circus as he signs order sending the bill on to me. He’s having some Union members around him talking about getting fired etc. All this has to do with my objection to the plant closing part of the bill. Then it was drugs. Cong. is talking legislation to bring military into drug war as a major factor & the appointment of a Drug Czar.

N.S.C.—We have a problem getting help to Contras. Sandinistas have gone back on their word to allow neutral delivery of food & such to them.

[. . .] Head of Soviet C.W. program was recently in Syria.

Then a meeting with Repub. Congressional leadership. A good meeting. Took up several matters—I.N.F., Trade bill, Drugs etc. & heard their comments. First meeting with Congress people that didn’t go longer than scheduled—wound up 5 min. early. Some desk time then over to E.O.B. to speak to & thank those wonderful volunteers who handle the mail.

Back to lunch with 8 experts on the subject of Soviet U. Heard all their views on Soviets & Gorbachev & suggestions about the upcoming summit.

Later in office Tommy Thomas brought some relatives & friends in. Then photos with about 50 major donors to tonites fund raising meeting. Upstairs for a time—then at 5:30 down to East Room for a reception with a larger group of major donors. Upstairs to get into Black tie & off to dinner which has raised $5 1⁄2 mil.

The evening was just great—very successful & a most enthusiastic crowd—several thousand people & I concluded my remarks by announcing I’d be campaigning for Geo. B. for Pres.

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