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Diary Entry - 05/11/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-11-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on the trip to Europe.

  • President Reagan travels to Camp David for the weekend.

  • More than fifty people die when a flash fire sweeps a jam-packed soccer stadium in Bradford, England.

View the President's Schedule
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Up early (the 6 hr’s. time change) did my radio five min’s. in the Oval office then off to Camp D. The weather was beautiful until early evening Sun. when a thunder storm plus heavy showers hit. On both Sat. & Sun. nites—no movies—we ran the compiled T.V. newscasts coverage of our trip. The media is doing it’s best to suggest the trip was a failure. Mon. (today) a beautiful day after last nights storm. Spent the morning around & in the pool then back to Wash. for a session with Don R. on the tax plan & a haircut. Back to the grind tomorrow.

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