Diary Entry - 05/09/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a meeting with former Prime Minster Yasuhiro Nakasone of Japan.
President Reagan participates in a ceremony presenting the 1988 Small Business Persons of the Year award to founders of Ben and Jerry's, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield.
Education Secretary William J. Bennett announces he will leave his position in mid-September.
A little conversation about Don Regans book & how we’re going to handle this.
N.S.C.—There seems to be a 50/50 chance that the plan Kozak & others are working on with Noriega might work. If it doesn’t come together this week it’s probably dead.
I.N.F.—Maybe Dan Quale (Sen.) is softening on his beef about “futuristic weapons.” Colin thinks he’s coming around after making some other gains.
Then Ed Meese joined us—this too was about Noriega. He thinks dropping the drug indictment as part of the plan would kick up a fuss but he’s for it on grounds—our choice is Nat. Security.
At 11:30 A.M. a truly fine old friend came by—Yasu Nakasone—former P.M. of Japan. He’s staying active as an elder statesmen. It was good to see him.
Then Lunch with Howard B. & Carl Rowan. I’d asked him for this when we sat together at the Gridiron. It wasn’t an off the record meeting. He brought his tape recorder & it was on the record. I think I did alright.
Then some desk time & finally a ceremony in the Rose Garden—awarding plaques for the 2 top rated small businessmen in the U.S. Most of the audience were state winners. At the end Sam Donaldson yelled a Q. about the Regan book saying I made decisions by Astrology & was I going to continue. I said I cant because I never did.
An N.S.P.G. meeting, mainly preparing for Moscow with regard to arms treatys. A meeting with Frank C. about Congress & their slashing of the defense budget.
Then a photo with David Rockefellers “Council of The Americas.” A haircut & up to the gym & a shower. Oh during the day I phoned Francois Mitterrand to congratulate him on winning the Presidential election in France.