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Diary Entry - 05/08/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-08-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with delegates from the Arab League to discuss the Iran - Iraq war.

  • President Reagan meets with Republican Senators to discuss increasing the debt limit.

View the President's Schedule
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9 A.M. meeting with Sen. Repub. leadership—Discussed our problem of getting a clean bill increasing the debt limit. Congress has a way of loading this bill with amendments knowing how impossible it is to veto it. If we dont get this passed before the 28th of this month the U.S. will be in default for 1st time in 200 yrs. This could be a disaster in the money mkts. world wide. We also touched on the terrible trade bill the Dem’s. in the House passed. They have hopes of clearing it up in Cong.

Back to the Oval O. for a short session with N.S.C. We talked about the restraints on my ability to deal with Soviets built into the Budget bill by Dems. in House.

Then a brief meeting with delegates from the Arab League. They are in the U.S. to urge the U.N. to take steps to halt the Iran-Iraq war. Iran is the hold out.

Second Cong. meeting—this one with Repub. House members. Pretty much the same as earlier meeting with Sen.

Lunch on Patio—then a signing ceremony for bill making Santa Fe trail an Historic site.

Met with signatorys to report of the Working Seminar on the family & Am. Welfare Policy. Followed with a phone call to Gov. John Ashcroft of Mo. who was at a town meeting in Mo. on this same subject.

Taped tomorrows radio cast because we’ll be in N.Y. at Bill Caseys funeral tomorrow. A little homework then upstairs for rest of afternoon. Shipped off a load of books to Eureka College Library.

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