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Diary Entry - 05/04/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-04-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Prime Minister of Italy Bettino Craxi to discuss the situation in the Middle East.

  • President Reagan participates in the conclusion of the 11th G7 Economic Summit in Bonn, West Germany.

View the President's Schedule
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The usual working breakfast then back to the Chancellery for the plenary session. This was the windup. After lunch we went to the Bundestag for Helmuts reading of the statement. Our press treated the lack of a specific date in ’86 for trade talks as a repudiation of me by the summit. First of all I had never sought a specific date—nor had anyone else. We simply asked for a meeting sometime in early ’86 and all heads of state plus the Pres. of the European Community were for it.

Later I had a brief one on one with P.M. Craxi of Italy. He’s very interested in the Middle East problem. I briefed him on where I thought we were on that.

Nancy arrived about 5:30 and that night we went to a dinner for heads of state, wives plus a few others at home of Pres. Von Weizsaecker. A pleasant evening.

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