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Diary Entry - 05/03/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-03-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Republican Members of the Senate to discuss the First Concurrent Budget Resolution.

  • President Reagan learns that a British submarine has sunk an Argentinean cruiser off the coast of the Falkland Islands.

  • Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, speaking to the Knesset, declares that Israel will assert sovereignty over the West Bank.

View the President's Schedule
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Met with Repub. Leadership. Also, Rep. members of Sen. Budget Committee. While we have some disagreements as to the makeup of the budget I think we’ll be together. There is a feeling of optimism and an esprit de corps. Read this morning of a black family—husband and wife both work in govt. printing office. They live in a nice house near U. of Maryland. They have been harassed and even had a cross burned on their lawn. It was all on the front page of the “Post.” I told Mike & Jim I’d like to call on them. We cleared the last part of the afternoon schedule & Nancy & I went calling. They were a very nice couple with a 4 year old daughter—grandma (a most gracious lady) lived with them. Their home was very nice & tastefully furnished. They were very nice about our coming & expressed their thanks. The whole neighborhood was lining the street—most of them cheering and applauding us. I hope we did some good. There is no place in this land for the hate-mongers & bigots. The Argentine Cruiser off the Falklands was evidently sunk by a British sub. There have been other clashes. The Pres. of Peru has entered the picture in an effort to persuade the Argentinians to listen to reason. He’s a good man. We’re all trying to bring peace but the bleeding has started.

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