Diary Entry - 05/03/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Republican Members of the Senate to discuss the First Concurrent Budget Resolution.
President Reagan learns that a British submarine has sunk an Argentinean cruiser off the coast of the Falkland Islands.
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, speaking to the Knesset, declares that Israel will assert sovereignty over the West Bank.
Met with Repub. Leadership. Also, Rep. members of Sen. Budget Committee. While we have some disagreements as to the makeup of the budget I think we’ll be together. There is a feeling of optimism and an esprit de corps. Read this morning of a black family—husband and wife both work in govt. printing office. They live in a nice house near U. of Maryland. They have been harassed and even had a cross burned on their lawn. It was all on the front page of the “Post.” I told Mike & Jim I’d like to call on them. We cleared the last part of the afternoon schedule & Nancy & I went calling. They were a very nice couple with a 4 year old daughter—grandma (a most gracious lady) lived with them. Their home was very nice & tastefully furnished. They were very nice about our coming & expressed their thanks. The whole neighborhood was lining the street—most of them cheering and applauding us. I hope we did some good. There is no place in this land for the hate-mongers & bigots. The Argentine Cruiser off the Falklands was evidently sunk by a British sub. There have been other clashes. The Pres. of Peru has entered the picture in an effort to persuade the Argentinians to listen to reason. He’s a good man. We’re all trying to bring peace but the bleeding has started.