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Diary Entry - 05/02/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-02-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Prime Minister Harri Holkeri of the Republic of Finland.

  • President Reagan addresses the Annual Meeting of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

View the President's Schedule
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House is here in session but Sen. has gone home for the week. I.N.F.—the “party line” so to speak is correct (?) language in treaty plus changes which could cost $5 bil.

Last weeks “Issues Lunch” leaked to the press. I’ll make a pitch & a threat at this one today.

A little discussion also about when & how should I endorse the V.P. for Pres.

N.S.C.—More talk about Noriega. Kozak is back there in discussions with him.

More talk about I.N.F. Tomorrow Frank C. & others will see me about our space craft.

Then it was time for meeting with Harri Holkeri—P.M. of Finland. They are celebrating the 350th year since Finns established a colony where Wilmington Delaware is now. I left at 10:45 to go to Constitution Hall and address Nat. Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting. Speech very well received.

Back to W.H. some desk work then the issues lunch. After lunch & more desk time C.I.A. Dir. Bill Webster came by. [. . .]

Bill said more about Frank C. coming by tomorrow with space proposal. [. . .] Belief is they have a nuc. capability & could put it on missiles in a few weeks. Same is true of Pakistan.

[. . .] At 3 P.M. dropped by Roosevelt Rm. with Bob Michel to meet with C. of C. members from Ill. A good meeting & I took Q’s. Then my trip to Hades—2 hrs. in the dentists chair for more Root Canal business.

Upstairs & a wait for Nancy—due in a little after 7 P.M.—Head Winds. She arrived—the place brightened up & Rex & I are happy. So dinner & off to bed.

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