Diary Entry - 05/02/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Prime Minister Harri Holkeri of the Republic of Finland.
President Reagan addresses the Annual Meeting of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
House is here in session but Sen. has gone home for the week. I.N.F.—the “party line” so to speak is correct (?) language in treaty plus changes which could cost $5 bil.
Last weeks “Issues Lunch” leaked to the press. I’ll make a pitch & a threat at this one today.
A little discussion also about when & how should I endorse the V.P. for Pres.
N.S.C.—More talk about Noriega. Kozak is back there in discussions with him.
More talk about I.N.F. Tomorrow Frank C. & others will see me about our space craft.
Then it was time for meeting with Harri Holkeri—P.M. of Finland. They are celebrating the 350th year since Finns established a colony where Wilmington Delaware is now. I left at 10:45 to go to Constitution Hall and address Nat. Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting. Speech very well received.
Back to W.H. some desk work then the issues lunch. After lunch & more desk time C.I.A. Dir. Bill Webster came by. [. . .]
Bill said more about Frank C. coming by tomorrow with space proposal. [. . .] Belief is they have a nuc. capability & could put it on missiles in a few weeks. Same is true of Pakistan.
[. . .] At 3 P.M. dropped by Roosevelt Rm. with Bob Michel to meet with C. of C. members from Ill. A good meeting & I took Q’s. Then my trip to Hades—2 hrs. in the dentists chair for more Root Canal business.
Upstairs & a wait for Nancy—due in a little after 7 P.M.—Head Winds. She arrived—the place brightened up & Rex & I are happy. So dinner & off to bed.