Diary Entry - 04/29/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan talks with Commander Paul X. Rinn of the USS Samuel B. Roberts.
President Reagan meets with Hal Roach.
In Pakistan President Zia-ul Haq dismisses the government Mohammed Khan Junejo with charges of incompetence.
Get away day for Nancy—she’s off for Calif.—be back Mon. Howard B. is away so Ken D. & I had the first meeting. There was a discussion about what I do now with regard to Geo. B. & the endorsement of him now that he’s the nominee—or will be at Convention time. His people have suggested an appearance by me at a campaign rally here in Wash. We’re inclined to think it should be at a non political type of gathering where we go as Pres. & V.P.
[. . .]
N.S.C.—We’ve established the Iranians did not fire any silkworm in our recent shootout.
We’re worried that Pakistan in spite of denials may be dickering for nuc. missiles. China has become arms mkt. to the world.
I.N.F.—ratification of treaty is being held up on issue of whether we & Soviets have an agreement on “futuristic” weapons. Kozak is back from Panama. There seems to be some give on Noriegas part. He wants indictment killed, does not want to leave Panama but would do some extensive traveling while regular govt. took over.
Later in morning we had an N.S.C. meeting. Much of it was taken up on Noriega & how to continue negotiations. Other half of meeting was on P. Gulf & our future course. Cong. is trying to block us in our plan to send 2 Coast Guard vessels to the Gulf. They are better equipped than some of our larger Naval vessels with regard to Mines.
Had a lot of desk time & then lunch in the study. Early afternoon a meeting with Bob Tuttle to O.K. a sizeable group of appointees. Then my meeting with Geo. S. A lot of our time was spent on Middle East & Shamirs objections to a peace plan. Also some early talk on upcoming Moscow summit.
A short visit then by Hal Roach (over 90 now). Then it was upstairs—where there’s no Nancy. I picked out a dozen sweaters to give away. Then some desk time, my exercises & dinner with Mary Jane & Charley Wick.
It was a fun evening like old times but we missed Nancy.