Diary Entry - 04/28/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting on US-Japan relations.
President Reagan receives a letter from the Prime Minister of Pakistan Muhammad Khan Junjo.
A session on our upcoming agenda. I agreed to a general plan but with proviso that specific events be checked with me.
Then Bob Dole, Bob Michel, Trent Lott & Al Simpson were in with our team for a session on budget & trade & how to handle the Demos who are moving on both with acts that look like veto candidates.
N.S.C.—brief was on upcoming meeting with Nakasone plus some talk on Soviets & arms reductions.
Then an N.S.C. meeting—all on the Japan problem & the coming visit of the P.M.
After Lunch Senator Gordon Humphrey came by to deliver a letter from P.M. of Pakistan—where he has been on a visit.
They are asking for an A.W.A.C.S. plane because of violations of their border with Afghanistan. More people have been killed by Soviet bombing & strafing in these 3 months then in all of last yr.
Then an Oval office interview with 6 W.H. correspondents. We’re going to do more of this.
Dick Wirthlins latest poll has me up to 55 in job approval.
Then a meeting upstairs with R.N.—Howard & Frank re the Soviet Arms deal. Mermies here & it’s days end.