Diary Entry - 04/28/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses a Joint Session of Congress on the Economic Package.
President Reagan receives a letter from the parents of John Hinckley, the man who shot the President in an assassination attempt the previous month.
In an escalating conflict, Israeli jets shoot down two Syrian helicopters said to have been attacking Lebanese Christian militia in Lebanon.
Spent the morning in the office—1st time. Met with Congressional (Repub.) leadership. All of us agreed we shouldn’t be over confident. Rec’vd. a mailgram from the Hinckleys—parents of the boy with the gun. Evening was the big part of the day. Addressed a joint session of Cong. re the ec. pckg. I walked into an unbelievable ovation that went on for several minutes. Frank Reynolds says the speech was interrupted 14 times (3 of them standing ovations) In the 3rd of those suddenly about 40 Democrats stood and applauded. Maybe we are going to make it. It took a lot of courage for them to do that and it sent a shiver down my spine. Except for that all the applause came from the Repub. side, the Demos. just sit on their hands—except for the greeting. The response from the public has been overwhelming.