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Diary Entry - 04/27/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-27-1988

Key Facts

  • President and Mrs. Reagan greet Prime Minister and Mrs. Brian Mulroney for a State Welcome Ceremony.

  • President and Mrs. Reagan attend a State Dinner to honor Prime Minister and Mrs. Mulroney.

View the President's Schedule
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Woke up with a sore ear or maybe a jaw. It feels like my ear but I have to eat on the left side of my mouth it hurts to bring my teeth together on the right.

Also a short but hectic day. At 9 A.M. Sen. Karnes of Neb. came in. My job was to get him to vote to sustain my veto of the Trade Bill. I think he will. Then Colin came in for N.S.C. time. He had some information on Brian Mulroney & Acid Rain as discussed by Geo. S. with Brian last nite. Our man Kozak is meeting with Noriega in Panama again.

We have a report that Iraq used Nerve gas in driving the Iranians out of the Al Faw peninsula.

Then our whole team came in for a briefing on Mulroney. Then it was arrival time. We did the usual—mil. ceremony etc. He & I talked of Acid rain in the Oval O. then joined the meeting in the Cabinet room.

After that Jack Hume & Jerry Carmen came in & I had Howard B. Ken D., A. B. Culvahouse etc. This was over my agreeing to be Honorary Chairman of “Citizens For America” after I leave office. Our legal beagles dont think as Pres. I can announce such things before I leave office. I’ve told them this was the only group I’d say yes to. I had to leave all of them to work this out. Sen. Jim McClure & others from St. of Wash. brought in a couple who have been waiting 26 yrs. for $700,000 owed them by the Gov. He had built a bldg. for the govt. at the Seattle World Fair. There was some bureaucratic mix up that stopped payment. Jim McClure got into this & had a bill passed. I signed it at our meeting.

Then a late lunch with the V.P. Yesterday in Pa. he went over the top—winning enough delegates to make him Candidate at the Convention.

Anne Higgins brought in a wonderful 16 yr. old Puerto Rican girl whose dream was to visit the U.S. Her dream came true with some help from Anne. Her name is Michelle Abodia. She is blind but plays 3 musical instruments one of which is the piano. She has acceptances from several of our colleges & universities.

Now I’m back upstairs to get ready for tonites State Dinner. And it was great—a most enjoyable evening. Brians toast was a warm & eloquent tribute to Am. & me.

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