Diary Entry - 04/23/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan signs an executive order creating a Presidential Task Force on crime victims.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that consumer prices declined in March for the first monthly decline in almost seventeen years.
The Unabomber mails a pipe bomb from Provo, Utah, to Penn State University.
Both the Falklands & the Budget battle seem to be coming to a moment of Truth. Defense Minister Pym (U.K.) is on his way back to London with what could be the last proposal we can cook up. The shooting could start—it would be a war mainly because an Argentine General, President (result of a coup) needed to lift his sagging pol. fortunes. The group debating the budget seems unable to arrive at any kind of consensus. If we cant get a Bi-partisan agreement to act together in the face of the projected deficit—then I take to the air (T.V.) and there will be blood on the floor. Visited the E.O.B. today to greet & say thanks to the very nice ladies & some gentlemen who as volunteers handle our thousands & thousands of letters on a regular basis. Also signed exec. order creating a task force on the victims of crime.