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Diary Entry - 04/22/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-22-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a series of meetings with Representatives to discuss the Nicaraguan Peace Proposal.

  • President Reagan hosts the annual Volunteer/Action Awards luncheon.

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Got a report from Don & Bud of the weekend meetings of Repub. & Dem. Senators trying to find a consensus position on the Nicaragua vote—$14 mil.—negotiations—cease fire etc. We had the Dem. plan—it differed in a few important points from ours. Most important—it wanted us to negotiate with the Sandinista govt. We feel negotiations should be between the S’s. & the Contras. At 10:30 we met with them. I listed all the points of their plan we could agree with then I had to leave to meet with Ec. Advisory Board. The Sens. & our people stayed at it for 6 hours—no agreement. At noon the annual Vol. Action awards—lunch in the East Room. Back then to meetings with Congressmen & Women on Nicaragua. The meetings went well & I think I answered some of their worries. It’s apparent though that the lack of support on the part of the people due to the drum beat of propaganda “a la Vietnam” is influencing some of them. Finally some desk time and then a reception for Repub. Congressional Leadership Council—supporters of the Repub. Congressional Campaign Committee.

The uproar about my trip to Germany & the Bitberg cemetery was cover stuff in Newsweek & Time. They just wont stop. Well I’m not going to cancel anything no matter how much the bastards scream.

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