Diary Entry - 04/21/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan spends the morning calling Members of Congress.
President Reagan has lunch with a group of Republican Governors to discuss the economic recovery package.
A busy morning—staff meeting—paper signing—then a half hour of phone calls to Congressmen. Reached one of them while he was on a radio talk show so I ended up on the talk show.
Then an hour meeting with 9 Repub. Governors all of whom are helping on the ec. package.
We can help them too. A Fed. judge has ruled that more than 1 prisoner in a cell constitutes cruel & inhuman punishment. We actually have states unable to send a convicted man to prison unless they release another prisoner in his place. Bureaucracy is still messing things up.
I should know today whether my letter to Brezhnev has passed inspection by the striped pant’s set.