Diary Entry - 04/18/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan calls the crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery as they orbit the Earth.
President Reagan spends the day in a series of meetings in support of the Nicaraguan Peace Plan proposal.
Another back breaker. The press continues to chew away on the German trip & my supposed insensitivity in visiting a W.W. II German mil. cemetery in spite of the fact I’m going to visit a Concentration camp. They are really sucking blood and finding every person of Jewish faith they can who will denounce me.
Made a call to the Space Shuttle & talked to Sen. Jake Garn. Then a very interesting meeting a group of European leaders such as Winston Churchill II plus former P.M. of Australia Malcolm Frazer. They have signed a petition to Congress asking that Congress support our Nicaragua plan.
Most of the day was taken up then with meetings with members of House & Sen.—both parties & some one on one sessions—all having to do with Nicaragua.
Lunch was with a group of Paper, Radio & T.V. news editors from all over the country. They ask better Q’s. than the White House Press Corps. Another nice interruption in my lobbying was presenting the Gold Apple to the Teacher of the Year. Half Vietnamese a refugee from an Orphans home she has become a much beloved high school teacher.
I was awarded the Harry Truman Award by the U.S. Nat. Guard Assn. Did some other photo ops. Then entertained about 35 of our Sen’s. in the State Dining room & made a pitch for our budget plan.
The evening T.V. news was again filled with my sinning against humanity by going thru (In May) with the visit to the German Mil. cemetery.