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Diary Entry - 04/17/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-17-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Archbishop of New York Terence Cardinal Cooke on Good Friday.

  • The Polish government and members of Rural Solidarity sign an agreement granting the farmers' union official recognition within a few weeks.

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Good Friday and while representatives of the Nat. Co. of Churches paraded (carrying the cross) in front of the W.H. protesting our effort to help El Salvador Cardinal Cooke of N.Y. came to visit us in the W.H. He’s a good man and doing magnificent work in ed. in the inner cities.

Sometimes I think (forgive me) the Nat. Co. believes God can be reached through Moscow.

Later in the day talked by phone with Billy Graham. He knows the family of the young man who did the shooting. They are decent, deeply religious people who are completely crushed by the “sickness” of their son.

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