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Diary Entry - 04/16/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-16-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with President of the Republic of Senegal Abdou Diouf to discuss private enterprise in Africa.

  • President Reagan meets with a Congressional Delegation to discuss their recent trip to the Soviet Union.

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A meeting with our G.O.P. Congressional Leadership. Subjects were the Nicaragua Peace Plan & the Budget. There was quite a feeling of unanimity.

Then a meeting with Pres. Diouf of Senegal—his 2nd visit. He’s a 6&10" impressive man who is doing a good job & believes Pvt. enterprise is the answer to Africas problems. After Lunch with V.P., went to E.O.B. to speak to Conference on Religious Liberty. Prior to that we went at my German problem again. The press has the bit in their teeth and are stirring up as much trouble as they can. At the close of my speech I made a statement acknowledging that we had been confused about the Dachau suggestion—that it was part of the official itinerary and that I was going to visit the Bitberg German Cemetery & a Concentration Camp. By the nightfall the T.V. press was distorting that statement.

On a 2nd trip to E.O.B. I addressed Key interest groups mainly about the budget. Back in the West Wing I presented the Congressional Gold Medal to Danny Thomas for his work on behalf of children & St. Jude’s hospital. His whole family including grandchildren were there. After dental appointment—had a 6 P.M. cocktail meeting with 5 Dem. Senators on Nicaragua. I think they’ll be helpful & they gave good suggestions about possible points of flexibility on our plan that could get Dem. votes.

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