Diary Entry - 04/14/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a ceremony to present the National Security Medal to Lt. Gen. Lincoln D. Faurer.
President Reagan participates in a briefing for the Associated General Contractors of America.
A double-decker ferry sinks in stormy weather in Bangladesh killing 200.
Our 1st meetings (staff ) had to do with what happens tonite. For one thing I cant go to Paul Laxalts Basque B.B.Q. At 7 P.M. our time A.F. F-111’s from an Eng. base & planes from our 6th fleet carriers will hit mil. targets in Libya. It wouldn’t be seemly for me to be out socializing. Some time later I’ll go on T.V. to tell the people the details.
At 9:45 A.M. I awarded the Nat. Security medal to retired Gen. Lincoln Faurer. Then it was time for our final meeting with P.M. Nakasone. As usual it was a good meeting—we have a warm relationship & I think it is duplicated among our 2 peoples. We did our final statements in the Rose Garden before the press.
Luncheon was with about 60 big donors to the Library fund. They were mostly from Fla. & Ill.
Then over to the E.O.B. for the Ass. Gen. Contractors. A brief meeting with Charles Price (Ambas. to Eng.). Over to E.O.B. for a secret meeting with bipartisan leaders of House & Sen. to tell them what was going to happen tonite in Libya.
Back to the Oval O. to present the Nat. Tchr. of the Year to Guy Doud a most impressive young teacher from Minn. Then upstairs to wait for air time & first results from Libya.
Well the attack took place right on the nose 7 P.M. our time—about 11 MIN’s. over the target areas. Preliminary report—all planes withdrawn but 2 of our F-111’s are reported. Maybe it’s only radio failure—maybe they are down we dont know as of this time. One thing seems sure—ours was a success.