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Diary Entry - 04/14/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-14-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Latin American Ambassadors to publicize the Caribbean Basin Initiative Scholarship Program and to celebrate Pan American day.

  • President Reagan meets with South Korean Defense Minister Yoon Sung Min.

View the President's Schedule
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Signed our income tax forms. The Pres. should do something about taxes. The Defense Minister of S. Korea (Yoon) came by—brief meeting & picture. N.S.C. meeting on the MX commission report. I’ll announce my approval Tues. A work session on preparing for the Summit—subject trade. Then another group in on the Int. Withholding tax. About 50 top business & finance people—almost all very supportive of our position. Somehow they never seem to appear on the T.V. news. The bankers who were opposed did. In a Cabinet council on ec. affairs—we decided to ask for a 3 yr. extension of revenue sharing for local govts. at same level. Took up the subject of health care for the unemployed—a tricky problem—no decision yet. Met in the Rose garden with the O.A.S. ambassadors in observance of 200th anniversary of birth of Simon Bolivar. Announced a youth scholarship program—part of C.B.I. for young people from the Caribbean nations. Had a press availability to announce Sen. approval of Ken Adelman 57 to 43. Meeting with George S, Bill Clark et al re Israel. I think the time has come to approach P.M. Begin with a palm leaf. We’re going to offer some helpful measure through defense minister Ahrens.

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