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Diary Entry - 04/13/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-13-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan places a call to former President Richard M. Nixon.

  • President Reagan hosts a luncheon for National Religious leaders.

  • President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for S. 2333, known as the "Brady Bill," which would give an employee of the US the ability to accept charitable donations after being injured in an assassination attempt.

View the President's Schedule
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Al Haig is on his way home. Chances for a peaceful settlement of the Falklands dispute seems very dim. Cabinet Council meeting on dairy products. Because of the ridiculous subsidy of dairy products the govt. has enough butter, cheese & dried milk to feed every human in the U.S. for a year. Lunch with religious leaders brought in for Bill Veritys Pvt. Initiative program. Signed a bill to authorize charitable gifts be allowed to help with Jim Brady’s medical bills. Heretofore, this was illegal for govt. employees. Henry Kissinger brought group of businessmen & bankers to help with our East-West relations. A good meeting. Finally a reception for 9 top men who are going to engineer the Reagan Scholarship fundraising for Eureka College.

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