Diary Entry - 04/10/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan signs legislation containing the Fair Housing Proclamation.
The President and First Lady attend a State Dinner in the honor of their guests President and Mrs. Salvador Jorge Blanco.
The U.S. Senate condemns the CIA mining of Nicaraguan harbors.
Pres. Jorge Blanco of the Dominican Repub. arrived for a State visit. There was the usual mil. ceremony on the S. Lawn, the meetings in the Oval office & the Cab. room & the State dinner. In our meetings we discussed international affairs—El Salvador & Nicaragua in the Oval office & Ec. affairs in the larger Cab. Rm. meeting. He has a serious problem—great unrest because of the austerity measures necessary to getting back on their feet. He’s a great guy & I hope we can help. I’m afraid we cant do all that’s needed but I want us to do all we can. The State dinner was a really warm & pleasant affair. Mrs. Nat King Cole was my dinner partner on one side—a truly wonderful lady & on the other Mrs. Jorge Blanco. She too is really a warm, gracious & fun lady. Most of the after noon was signing ceremonies for Fair Housing proclamation. Bill signing—the Wheat Act & the bill provides death benefits for civ. emps. & mil. who are killed by terrorists. Then a series of photo sessions—Bd. of Dir. of Electronic Industries Assn., Dave Berkley—presented a painting of S.C. beach. Photo with Emil Verber & family—they’ve organized a Chi. Cub fan club in Wash. & give Ernie Banks Awards—I’m a recipient. The whole day was however under a cloud. Barry G. started it off with a letter to Bill Casey which he made public. He’s raising h--l as chairman of the Intelligence comm. because of the harbor mining in Nicaragua—says he was never briefed. He was briefed on March 8 & 13. There is a rebellion which will probably lead to their shutting aid off to the Nicaraguan Contras—which will bring joy to the Soviets & Cubans.