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Diary Entry - 04/10/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-10-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan signs legislation containing the Fair Housing Proclamation.

  • The President and First Lady attend a State Dinner in the honor of their guests President and Mrs. Salvador Jorge Blanco.

  • The U.S. Senate condemns the CIA mining of Nicaraguan harbors.

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Pres. Jorge Blanco of the Dominican Repub. arrived for a State visit. There was the usual mil. ceremony on the S. Lawn, the meetings in the Oval office & the Cab. room & the State dinner. In our meetings we discussed international affairs—El Salvador & Nicaragua in the Oval office & Ec. affairs in the larger Cab. Rm. meeting. He has a serious problem—great unrest because of the austerity measures necessary to getting back on their feet. He’s a great guy & I hope we can help. I’m afraid we cant do all that’s needed but I want us to do all we can. The State dinner was a really warm & pleasant affair. Mrs. Nat King Cole was my dinner partner on one side—a truly wonderful lady & on the other Mrs. Jorge Blanco. She too is really a warm, gracious & fun lady. Most of the after noon was signing ceremonies for Fair Housing proclamation. Bill signing—the Wheat Act & the bill provides death benefits for civ. emps. & mil. who are killed by terrorists. Then a series of photo sessions—Bd. of Dir. of Electronic Industries Assn., Dave Berkley—presented a painting of S.C. beach. Photo with Emil Verber & family—they’ve organized a Chi. Cub fan club in Wash. & give Ernie Banks Awards—I’m a recipient. The whole day was however under a cloud. Barry G. started it off with a letter to Bill Casey which he made public. He’s raising h--l as chairman of the Intelligence comm. because of the harbor mining in Nicaragua—says he was never briefed. He was briefed on March 8 & 13. There is a rebellion which will probably lead to their shutting aid off to the Nicaraguan Contras—which will bring joy to the Soviets & Cubans.

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