Diary Entry - 04/09/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a technology demonstration at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.
President Reagan travels to Los Angeles, California.
Off to Calif. by way of Purdue U. at Lafayette Ind. A few office chores 1st then at 1:30 boarded Marine 1 and at 1:50 A.F.1. Arrived Lafayette—greeted by Gov. Orr Cong. Burton & Lt. Gov. Mutz. There were 20,000 people at the airport with some T.K.E. Fraters right down front & center. A short speech to thank everyone then on to the U. with Gov. Orr. A brief meeting with a panel of Prof ’s. then on to Laboratory for an amazing exhibition of high technology with Robots computerized to perform remarkable industrial chores.
Then on to Mackey Arena—a crowd of 15,000 mostly students & faculty. I spoke for 28 min’s. & was interrupted 28 times by applause. It was a most heartwarming experience. Gov. Orr (an old friend) introduced me as best Pres. in his lifetime. Back to airport & on our way to L.A. arrived there 6:50 P.M. Had dinner on plane. Nancy not due til tomorrow—by way of Phoenix.