Diary Entry - 04/07/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan receives the first of a limited edition run of watches commemorating the upcoming 1984 Olympics.
President Reagan participates in a ceremony to receive Diplomatic Credentials from 6 new Ambassadors to the United States.
The Chinese government cancels all remaining sports and cultural exchanges with the U.S. for 1983.
A day that never should have happened. It was a displaced Monday. A 9:30 breakfast with the 16 Sens. who came into office when I did. A pleasant enough affair. Then an N.S.C. briefing re Surinam. A solid plan is offered if Venezuela & Brazil will provide combat forces—only a few hundred needed. We provide Naval & Air support. Bill C. is off tomorrow for S.A. to personally present plan to both countries. Met briefly with St. & Local officials did Q&A on Federalism plan. Lunch with V.P. A strain has developed between George S. & Bill C. I’ve invited the Shultzs to Camp D. for the weekend. I dont think the problem is serious. Went out to do a brief appearance at the Nat. Catholic Education Conf. I reassured them of my dedication to getting Tuition Tax Credits. I was very well received. Back to W.H. & a Cabinet Council meeting on coal slurry pipelines & clean water policies. A string of visitors then—Archbishop Saliba—Arch Diocese of North Am. the Antiochian Orthodox Church. It is an Arab Christian Church. He’s off to the Middle east to meet with King Hussein, King Assad & Pres. Gemayal in support of our peace plan. Sen. Nunn brought one of our V.A. employees who is receiving the Silver Helmet award from Amvets. He is a triple amputee from the V.N. war—a great guy. He is about to be married and brought his very sweet fiancé with him. He’s getting the award because of the service he has rendered to disabled vets. John S. Davis & the head of the ’84 Olympics org. came by to give me a magnificent watch—no. 1 of a limited edition honoring the Olympics. It will go to a museum. Then I dropped in on the Nat. Eye Care project sponsored by the ophthalmologists to provide free eye care to the elderly. Rcv’d. 6 Ambassadors including the new one from China—on the day the Chinese are mad because we granted Asylum to their defecting tennis star (female). Interrupted to make a call to Sen. Pete Domenici. Budget committee is debating defense budget. I asked them to hold off voting til Monday so we could discuss a reasonable proposal. He refused & I got mad. These supposed to be Republicans went ahead and cut in half the increase we’d asked for. The Russians must be very happy tonite. This evening Ron called all exercised because S.S. agents had gone into their apartment while they were in Calif. to fix an alarm on one of the windows. I tried to reason with him that this was a perfectly O.K. thing for them to do. [. . .] I told him quite firmly not to talk to me that way & he hung up on me. End of a not perfect day.