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Diary Entry - 04/04/1986

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-04-1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan enjoys a horseback ride around the grounds of Rancho del Cielo.

  • President Reagan continues to work on chores around the ranch.

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The weather was in & out but I managed to ride every day although one day was in fog, one in light rain & one in a strong wind but with sunshine. All in all it was a good trip and Barney, Dennis & I got in some trail clearing etc. During our stay got a night time call re the bombing of the Disco in W. Berlin where 50 or so of our servicemen were wounded & killed. Evidence is adding up that the villain was Kadaffy although that hypocrite went on T.V. to say “it was a terrorist act against innocent civilians & he wouldn’t do such things.”

Roy Miller came up one day with our income tax forms. We really need tax reform!! Final day, Ron & Doria came up—that was our rainy day ride.

Sun was coming out today—Sunday of course because we had to leave. Ride home uneventful & here we are in the W.H.

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