Diary Entry - 03/27/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a Cabinet Council meeting to discuss the drug problem.
President Reagan calls Members of the House of Representatives to thank them for their votes on the MX Missile program.
A happy atmosphere—what with yesterdays vote on MX. Have learned Tip is asking Demos to vote against aid to the Contras as a farewell gift to him since he’s retiring in 86.
P.R.C. Ambass. Zhang Wenjin came by to say goodbye. He’s on his way back to China & retirement. We’ve had a good relationship with him.
Jeanne K. came by. I think she’s glad to be going back to pvt. life but wants us to know she’ll help any time we ask her. Our cabinet meeting was a full report on our anti-drug actions. We’ve really made progress but the problem still remains very large.
Had lunch with a group of high tech innovators & was dazzled. I saw a table top Robot performing brain surgery on a dummy head. This thing is presently being used in a hospital. An ec. briefing. We think that while there is a little lull in growth the recovery is still taking place. Geo. Shultz came in—Ken Damm is going back to the pvt. sector. He wants former Sen. Brady as his replacement. I’m all for it. Had a signing ceremony for S. 592 a bill to have rotation between House & Sen. of chairmen of our commission on the Helsinki Pact.
A couple of photos and received 1st edition of new McGraw-Hill mag. on commerce in Space. Then upstairs to make thank you calls to some Demos. who helped on the MX.