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Diary Entry - 03/26/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-26-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan travels to Columbia, Missouri to visit with high school students.

  • President Reagan meets with two terminal cancer patients.

View the President's Schedule
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Off at 9:45 A.M. for Columbia MO—Already rcv’d. bad news that Dean Martin Jr. & his crew man were dead—they flew right into the mountain.

On our plane was Miss Joy Underdown who had been Rons kindergarten tchr. She is a teacher in the school I’ll be visiting in Columbia. She’s in Wash. for a Conf.—will make the round trip with me. She’s a wonderfully kind person and enjoyed the day very much.

Our arrival at the airport was met by a high school band playing Hail to The Chief & hundreds of students from schools we wont be visiting. A really warm welcome. Then we were on our way to Fairview Elementary School the roads & streets for the half hour drive were lined by thousands of people with welcome signs of every description. Even the demonstrators were good natured. Gov. John Ashcroft met us at the school (Sec. Bennett of Ed. was with me entire day).

First visit was to 6th grade classroom—a civics class was in session. Bill & I attended & participated.

Then we moved on to 3rd grade class—working with computers. Then on to auditorium for a brief informal time with entire student body.

Then we were on our way to Hickman high school. We had lunch with some of the participants in “Conf. on Project Ed. Reform.”

After lunch we went into auditorium & spoke briefly to students—rcv’d. a jersey from cheerleaders.

Then we drove short way to the gym where the conf. was being held. I participated a bit in the conf. then was introduced for speech which was well received. I was presented with a giant paper maché apple. I in turn gave school bells to Gov. Ashcroft & Bill Bennett & then it was back to A.F.1. Did some phoning to Sen’s. trying to drum up votes to sustain my veto of the Highway bill.

Back to Wash. arrived 6:05. Lving this morning I had picture with a little boy who is terminal—leukemia. He was here by way of one of those “last wish” programs. When we returned there was another lad—brain tumor also a last wish case.

Mermie is here & it’s home, dinner & beddie bye.

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