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Diary Entry - 03/24/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-24-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a meeting with Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany discussing U.S. and West German relations.

  • President Reagan visits Oakton High School, Vienna, VA, and participates and addresses an Educational Forum on Professionalization of Teaching.

View the President's Schedule
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Now Jim Wright is all for Contra non lethal aid since the Sandinistas have announced a cease fire for 60 or 90 days. Some of us are afraid some games are being played.

N.S.C.—Our meetings (hours of them) with the Soviets are ended. We didn’t make much progress. Sticking points for Soviets—Cruise missiles—air launched & sea launched, plus right of inspections. S.D.I. suddenly became an issue again. Soviets seem to want a treaty using lines from the Dec. joint communique having to do with Space & Space Defense. Cong. is beginning to put together a Contra aid program.

Then the W. German leader of opposition party came by for a 15 min. visit. It went reasonably well. Then a short ec. briefing—nothing much to report except that things still look good.

A half hour of desk time then lunch with V.P. pleasant as always. When Dole drops out of race I want to go public & declare that Geo. B. has been telling truth about “Iran-Contra.” He played no part in whatever went on.

Then a motorcade across to Vienna Virginia to the Oakton highschool—2000 students. This is one of the schools that embarked on Bill Bennetts plan for upgrading ed. The Co. Supt. of Schools in Fairfax Co. led the charge & Oakton has become a showcase of ed. excellence. I spoke & then took Q’s. I was more than well received. Got back to the W.H. at 3 P.M. Had some desk time to get a lot of things signed. Then a photo session with Sr. N.S.C. staff. A Personnel session with Bob T. & finally Admin. time. Photos with 8 House & Sen. Repub. candidates challenging Demo’s. The Nat. Repub. Heretage Council Board came in. Anna Chenault gave us a beautiful vase from her collection. Next were winners of the White House News photographers Assn. contest. A couple of departure photos & I was on my way up to Nancy & my exercise.

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