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Diary Entry - 03/24/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-24-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the Space Station.

  • President Reagan meets with Republican Congressional Leadership to discuss the Highway Bill.

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1st news this A.M.—a reversal—there is no evidence that Dean M. [Dean Martin Jr.] & his crew man bailed out. Nancy departed for Fla.—due back this afternoon. The Golf tournament is making a big contribution to the anti-drug crusade.

A GOP congressional leadership meeting. Much of the time spent on the Highway bill & my veto of same. Bob Dole made a speech about supporting me that drew applause from his colleagues—1st time I’ve ever seen that.

Then to N.S.C. briefing—info on Space station which costs out above our estimates. Also selection of Army Chf. of Staff—Gen. Vuono & Geo. S. & Caps differences on S.D.I. & whether to go for the broad or the strict interpretation of A.B.M. [Treaty].

After lunch over to E.O.B. to address Am. Bus. Council. Took a few Q’s. Then a cabinet meeting and a report on our management improvement program which is saving bils. of $.

Later a meeting with our advisor group for them to recommend how to promote our agenda.

Then a session with biographer Edmund Morris.

Later a visit by Howard & Frank C.—we’ve found another spy—a Marine Guard at Moscow embassy. He’s confessed and has probably compromised our communications [. . .]

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