Diary Entry - 03/24/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan meets to discuss the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs' recent trip to El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica.
President Reagan receives a call from President Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq of Pakistan.
A report this morning by Sec. Abrams who made a 1 day trip to Central morning [America]. Leaders like Duarte (El Salvador) & the Pres’s. of Costa Rica, Honduras & Guatemala heartily endorsed our helping the Contras. The only fly in the milk is the Pres. elect of Costa Rica who sounds off against us.
There was a meeting with Sen’s. about tomorrow nights Sen. vote on a Const. Amendment for a balanced bud. This is going to be close because we must have 67 votes.
I did a taping session.
But now the real news was that Quadafy fired S.A.M. missiles at our planes in the Mediterranean war games & sent a couple of missile ships out toward our naval vessels. Score—no hits on any of our craft but 2 Libyan ships sunk & our air missiles took out the radar without which the S.A.M.s cant be fired. Qudafi claims he shot down 3 of our planes—he lies.
On top of this the Sandinistas crossed the border of Honduras & are 15 miles inside that country attacking Contra encampments. The Pres. of H. has asked us for transportation of Honduran mil. to the scene. We have helicopters there in numbers enough to do it. I’ve said yes. I guess I’ll hear how that came out tomorrow.