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Diary Entry - 03/23/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-23-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a meeting with members of the Cabinet Council on Economic Affairs to discuss the grain embargo on the Soviet Union.

  • President Reagan meets with former National Poster Children of the March of Dimes.

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East Room in the morning to meet with Jim Roosevelt & all the March of Dimes poster children from the beginning until the present—many of course now grown up. This years little charmer drops her crutches in a second to be picked up and then she promptly kissed me & told me I was cute. Awarded the Presidential Civilian Award (Medal) to Elmer Staats of G.A.O.—retiring after 42 years. This was the 3rd medal given since it’s inception in 1969. Ec. Council meeting and meeting with Al Haig. The grain embargo is coming to a head. We shouldn’t lift it unless the Russians show some signs of being decent—still it’s hurting our farmers I fear worse than it’s hurting the Russians.

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