Diary Entry - 03/20/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses representatives of the national Conference of State Legislatures.
The President and the First Lady attend a dinner hosted by the Conservative Political Action Committee.
Argentine ex-president Isabel Peron was sentenced to eight years in a convent.
Sen. Javits came in re my request that he be our Amb. in Geneva to the U.N. He wants to talk to Al H. & Jeanne Kirkpatrick. Mr. Fukuda whom we had known as Japanese prime minister of Japan in 1971 came by. He’s scouting as is “Ito” for P.M. Suzuki’s visit in May. I got in a lick about autos. Forgot to say in yesterday’s account that I met with Chai the Amb. P.R. of China. With him a man from Beijing. The Amb. got on the Taiwan subject—promised peaceful resolution of the problem, then made it plain he didn’t feel we should sell weapons to Taiwan. I made it just as plain that we had an obligation we would fulfill. No harm done. Late afternoon (Fri.) did Q&A with about 200 state legislators from 43 states. Then into the Red room for swearing in of Lee Annenberg as chief of protocol. Walter held the Bible & the Chief Justice took the oath. Then off to the annual Conservative Dinner to be the speaker.