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Diary Entry - 03/17/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with the crew and Coast Guard rescuers of the Soviet Merchant ship which recently wrecked off of the coast of New Jersey.

  • President Reagan attends a St. Patrick's Day reception hosted by the Prime Minister of Ireland Charles Haughey.

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Very little to talk about at staff time so on to N.S.C. briefing—Colin presided—Frank C. was elsewhere. Here too the load was light.

High spot was ceremony in Rose Garden with 37 crew members of the Soviet freighter rescued by our Coast Guard. The Soviet Embassy had treated them to a shopping binge so they were all there in new suits. We had been given permission to conduct them on a tour of Wash. Now they were in the Rose Garden with the 15 Coast Guard helicopter crews who rescued them plus an audience. I presented medals to the crews who had done an heroic job in taking them off their sinking ship in sleet, rain, & 55 M.P.H. winds.

After a quick lunch it was off to the Irish Ambassadors for a St. Pat’s. reception for about 250. The outgoing & incoming Prime Ministers were on hand. Then we went on (with them) to Capitol Hill for Jim Wrights St. Pats lunch. Both affairs were very enjoyable. By the time they were over I was talking with a brogue. Back at the W.H. I was surprised by a bag pipe group & presented with a Thornwood cane.

Then a meeting with Howard & Dave Abshire plus legal counsels—it was a preparation for Thurs. Press conf.

Sen. Pressler came by with a suggestion that we invite religious leaders nation wide to a meeting to try & reason with those who are so pro-Sandinista. Not a bad idea.

Finally a taping session for 40th Anniversary of Marshal Plan in London. A message for Nat. Y.M.C.A. Youth Legislative Program. Message for “Childhelp U.S.A” Benefit dinner & Nat. Assn. of Broadcasters Convention. Days end.

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