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Diary Entry - 03/15/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-15-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the President's upcoming trip to Canada.

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz to discuss the Secretary's recent trip to the Soviet Union.

  • Two decades of military rule in Brazil end with the installation of a civilian government.

View the President's Schedule
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Saw a short film on Alfonsin—Pres. of Argentina. He has some great problems if he’s to make democracy work and it entails austerity—the reduction or elimination of a great many govt. subsidies. We’ll be seeing him soon.

A last meeting (N.S.C.) before the Canada trip. I believe we have a great chance to cement relations with our neighbors in a lasting way.

Ambas. O’Sullivan (Ireland) came over with the traditional Shamrock & a lovely silver bowl from Cork. Had to do it 2 days early—I’ll be in Canada on St. Patrick’s day.

Dick Wirthlin came in with the usual mix of good news & here & there a little bad. Our communications on Nicaragua have been a failure, 90% of the people know it is a communist country but almost as many don't want us to give the Contras $14 mil. for weapons. I have to believe it is the old Vietnam syndrome. They are afraid we’re going to get involved with troops etc.

Nancy did well—an approval rating of 83% & rated higher than the last 7 1st ladies. She’ll be home soon—in fact here she is! Thank you Lord.

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