Diary Entry - 03/13/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan's administration swears-in Maureen Corcoran as Counsel for the Department of Education, the first woman to ever hold such a Cabinet post.
President Reagan prepares for President Mitterrand of France's visit.
President Reagan addresses The Young Leadership Conference of United Jewish Appeal about Israel and the Middle East.
A speech day. Addressed 2,000—The Young Leadership Conf. of United Jewish Appeal at the Hilton. Went in the entrance where I was shot 3 yrs. ago. This time our security had boxed in the area so I was undercover when I got out of the car. It seemed like a lot of trouble to me but you dont overrule security. It was an enthusiastic crowd who greeted my speech mainly about Israel & the Mid East with several ovations—including one standing ovation. I couldn’t believe it when the local news—Channel 9 in the 5 P.M. news—described me as coolly received & even hissed at one point. Not one word about the cheers etc. An N.S.C. meeting in P.M.—preparation for Pres. Mitterands visit. Then a brief meeting with the Algerian Commerce Minister. Met with Mr. & Mrs. Walsh—the parents of the little murdered boy Adam—whose story was dramatized on T.V. They are now part of a program to solve the missing children problem. BasketBall Star Kiki Vanderwegh was with them. He has pledged $100 for every point he makes in tonite’s game against Wash. We swore in Maureen Corcoran as Counsel for Dept. of Ed. She is 1st woman to ever hold such a Cabinet post. Then a string of Ambassadors—about 7 had to be greeted individually.