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Diary Entry - 03/11/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-11-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan holds meetings to discuss the federalism initiative.

  • President Reagan attends a private meeting in the Situation Room on Cuba.

  • Senator Harrison Williams of New Jersey resigns from the US Senate over his 1981 conviction of bribery and conspiracy in connection with the Abscam scandal.

View the President's Schedule
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Another schedule filled up with meetings. N.S.C.—the Assns. of Black Mayors, Co. officials etc. re the Federalism plan. I think they left in a better frame of mind than when they arrived. Situation room for a hush hush on Cuba. They are uptight thinking we may be planning an invasion. We aren’t but we’ll let them sweat. We’re concerned that some place in the N.S.C.—State or C.I.A. we have a mole—there is too much information leaking.

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