Diary Entry - 03/10/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan writes that he is "happy about the relationship between America and Canada."
The US. Postal Service announces an increase in first class postage from 15 to 18 cents.
Off to Canada with Sec’s of State, Commerce, Treasury & Special trade rep. Bill Brock.
Met by Gov. General & wife for ceremony at airport—21 gun salute, troop inspection etc.
It was a warm welcome with Canadians lining the streets cheering & clapping. Quartered at Rideau house which is truly a magnificent old mansion—except that Nancy & I were in separate rooms—1st time in our marriage.
Went to Parliament hill to meet P.M. Trudeau. Discovered I liked him. Our meetings were very successful. We have some problems to be worked out having to do with fishing, energy & environment but I believe we’ve convinced them we really want to find answers.
They put on a gala at the art center—a very enjoyable show with a fantastic group of Ukrainian dancers.
Dinner at Rideau house (where we are staying).