Diary Entry - 03/09/1984

Key Facts
The President and First Lady are presented with the Girl Scouts of America Annual Report.
President Reagan becomes an honorary Girl Scout.
A half day & then off to Camp David. N.S.C. brief—Meeting with Senate leadership, [N.S.C. meeting to prepare for Pres. Mitterand (France)—Canceled] Lunch with Girl Scouts, a bill signing & meeting with George S. Sens. couldn’t agree on Defense figure. We’ve agreed with a John Tower proposal that would further reduce defense by $12 Bil.—Pete Domenici is leading a move for $20 Bil. cut. We’ll try again Mon. Lunch with girl scouts was very pleasant. Nancy is Honorary Pres. & I’m now an honorary girl scout. I asked if that made me 1st Lady. Bill signing was a transportation grant with Libby Dole & Ray Barnhart. George & I talked Soviets. He had a good meeting with Dobrynin who is very interested in getting some talks going on Cultural exchange, consulates in N.Y. & Kiev etc. Off to Camp David where snow was twice as deep as in Wash. & temperature was about 12°. Got a bit of mail & homework done. Sunday left snow just beginning to melt a little at Camp D. but returned to a green lawn at W.H. Maureen & Dennis are here.