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Diary Entry - 03/08/1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan sends off the U.S. negotiators to the U.S. - Soviet Union Negotiations on Nuclear and Space Arms.

  • President Reagan travels to Camp David for the weekend.

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A large breakfast with members of Sen. & House teams who are going to Geneva for opening of arms talks plus our negotiators. There seemed to be a feeling of unity even including Sen. Ted Kennedy. Then over in the Roosevelt room we had the formal send off.

I had a photo with 50 wonderful young people who are the winners of the Voice of Democracy program sponsored by the V.F.W. & their auxiliary. Then it was off to Bethesda Naval Hospital for my annual checkup. I’m so healthy I had a hard time not acting smug.

Then Dave F. came in & told me Lee Clearwater our man at the ranch had been found dead in his house. After we got to Camp David we got the Coroners report—2 almost instant heart attacks evidently around 6 P.M. Thurs. Secret Svc. agents got suspicious when he didn’t show up to feed the horses etc. Fri. morning. Bless Barney he got there right away. He & Carl Mullins have things in hand until we can find someone. Nancy & I called Clo—she is shattered. We are all in something of shock.

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