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Diary Entry - 03/06/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-06-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan announces plans to cut 37,000 federal jobs.

  • The U.S. announces plans to sell advanced military equipment to Saudi Arabia including AWACs surveillance planes.

  • Walter Cronkite signed off for the last time as principal anchorman of The CBS Evening News.

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Met with 7 Gov’s, on the Automobile Co’s. problems. Jim Thompson, Dick Thornburgh, Jim Rhodes, Gov. Dreyfus, Bob Orr, Pete Dupont & Bill Millken. It was a good meeting & reinforced my belief in Federalism. We’ll do better if we return a lot more authority to the states.

2nd Press Conf. tried questions by lottery. We wont do this again.

Took the Wicks to Camp David and ran a movie that night.

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