Diary Entry - 03/04/1985

Key Facts
The President and the First Lady celebrate their 33rd wedding anniversary.
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the US position in the Arms Talks with the Soviet Union.
Our 33rd Anniversary. Other than that it was another Mon. morning. Why do they always seem different than other days?
Met with the new Sec. Gen. of OECD—Jean-Claude Paye. It was a brief but pleasant meeting. He is all for urging European members of OECD to take steps to free up their economies etc. so as to catch up with our ec. recovery.
We had an N.S.C. meeting with our Arms Talks Leaders looking at various options for how we wanted to deal with the Soviets. It’s a very complicated business. I urged one decision on them—that we open the talks with a concession—surprise! Since they have publicly stated they want to see nuclear weapons eliminated entirely, I told our people to open by saying we would accept their goal.
Nancy came to the oval office for lunch & we cut an anniversary cake & had a few of the immediate staff share in it. That was the extent of our celebration except that at dinner we opened a bottle of Chateau Margeaux 1911.
Right after lunch I addressed the N.A.C.O.—Nat. Assn. of County Officials. I wasn’t sure how I’d be received since they’ve taken positions opposing some of our budget cuts and that was what I talked to them about. But they were very cordial.
Fred Fielding, Don Regan & Mike D. came in to see me about the Arabian Horses that King Fahd wanted to give me. I had stated I couldn’t accept them as a gift—due to our stupid regulations. As it stands they are now in Prince Bandars (Ambas.) name & he has asked Bill Clark to take care of them for him. Now what happens 4 yrs. from now is anyone's guess.
Was interviewed by Morton Kondracke for News Week—main subject the MX missile.
Had Sens. Dave Boren & Sam Nunn over for cocktails & to talk about the MX. I believe we’ll have their support. In fact they talked of how wrong it was for Congress to interfere with a President in Foreign affairs & how both parties must come together at the waters edge.