Diary Entry - 03/03/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan attends the second day of summit meetings for N.A.T.O.
President Reagan meets with King Baudouin of Belgium.
The U.S. House of Representatives rejects a package of $30 million in non-lethal aid for the Nicaraguan Contras.
Up at 7:30—brkfst. in bed then up for a 9:15 brf. by Senior advisors. And on our way to N.A.T.O. H.Q. Working session began at 10 A.M. We broke at 11 for press session. I made a statement then turned it over to George S. for Q’s. Then I had a brief meeting 1 on 1 with King Baudoin. He’s a most gracious & unassuming man.
We had also a private bilateral with Margaret Thatcher, and one with P.M. (Belgium) etc.
Finally a farewell to our employees at N.A.T.O.—then a farewell to several hundred Americans at airport & on board A.F.1 for 8 hr. & 20 min. ride home.
Nancy met me on lawn & here I am. Good news—Jim Wrights Contra plan was defeated while we were landing.