Diary Entry - 03/03/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan appoints Director of the FBI William Webster to replace William Casey as Director of the CIA.
The President and the First Lady host a dinner for newly elected Members of the 100th Congress.
Ron is on his way back to Calif. We cancelled the Cong. Leadership meeting & had our own—Cap W. attending. We decided to try for Webster—Dir. of F.B.I. to take the C.I.A. job. I called him—he was quite emotional—torn between saying yes & having some reservations about it. Promised to call back & did so but not until 6:15 P.M.—He said yes & that made my day. We’ll make an announcement right away.
This morning I went over to E.O.B. the N.S.C.’s room & met with the entire N.S.C. Staff (many new faces). Then back to lunch. Then an N.S.C. meeting in Cabinet room in preparation for my summit in Canada with P.M. Mulroney. He’s in big pol. trouble & part of it is based on pol. attacks that he’s too beholden to me & the U.S. We’re trying to find some things to bolster him. One possibility is (if we can do it) some pickup in the acid rain situation.
Nancy came down & we did some Rose Garden Photos for a press story on our Wedding anniversary tomorrow.
Then I went into the press room & read a statement about our response to Gorbachevs I.N.F. arms proposal. From there to a taping—5 messages—1 in Spanish.
Tonite the dinner (East Room) for freshman class of Cong. & their wives & husbands. It was a most enjoyable evening & most rewarding. Any number of new Dem. reps. & Sens. came up to me & expressed support for what I’m doing. And of course a number of Repubs. thanked me for helping their campaigns. Mainly however I was impressed with the impact on spouses etc. of a social event in the W.H. It generated a very warm & friendly feeling