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Diary Entry - 03/03/1986

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-03-1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Russell A. Rourke, new Secretary of the Air Force.

  • President Reagan meets with members of the Nicaraguan Contra group to discuss an aid package to help their resistance.

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A briefing by N.S.C.—not all is well with Marcos. They are still at Hickam Field. It seems he does not own a home on Diamond Head and now suits are being filed by a number of Filipino Americans & the Central bank of the Philippines. So far the military has not allowed the process servers on the base. Paul L. called—he’d had a call from Marcos who asked for help with regard to papers. They have no passports so travel could become a problem.

Met with Russell Rourke our new Sec. of the Air Force. An issues lunch—plans discussed for getting Congress to O.K. aid to Nicaragua. Then 3 U.N.O. leaders Calero, Robelo & Cruz came to see me. They are here to help sell Congress. We dropped in on a meeting of pvt. citizens who have been raising pvt. funds to help the Contras.

Later in the day received the report on Organized Crime from Judge Kaufman & his commission. They’ve been working on this for 2 1⁄2 yrs. Ended the day going by a tribute dinner to Paul Laxalt. I spoke before dinner & then we had to leave. He’s deserving of every nice thing they said about him.

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