Diary Entry - 03/03/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan speaks at a fundraiser for the 1984 Olympics at the Los Angeles Biltmore.
An estimated 80,000 Greeks attend a protest rally in Athens to demand the closing down of all U.S. military bases in the country.
Off for Calif. where a monster storm has been raging. Landed at Pt. Mugu—Marine 1 to ranch—except had to land at Santa Barbara airport & drive to ranch. Nancy on hand to meet me at Mugu. Seeing her at the foot of the plane steps was a happy & heartwarming sight. The ranch was socked in—fog, rain, lightning & wind. Prepared for Queens visit. Tues. morning went down to Santa Barbara—driving. A good crowd on hand—Queen & Prince late because of storm & flooded streets. A short ceremony & we returned to ranch. They followed later—Foreign Minister & Mrs. Pym—the Bakers also. No ride of course but lunch was pleasant & I think everyone had a good time. Nancy left with them to ride the Brittania to S.F. Discovered I’m very lonely at the ranch without her. Wed. weather or no Barney, Dennis & I did a little looking over the ranch & then cut up a downed Oak tree—finished in a downpour. 3 of our 4 wheel drives & a 6 wheel mil. derrick truck all got mired down. Thurs. was able to helicopter to L.A. Nancy & the royal party had to fly to S.F. because of the storm. On my ride I saw the damage done by surf at Malibu & a hurricane in downtown L.A. Addressed Olympic fund raising lunch at the Biltmore—then off to S.F. Joined Nancy at the St. Francis St. Dinner that night at de Young museum. Very pleasant, lots of old friends. Fri. meetings with Sec. Shultz, Bill Clark & Cap re El Salvador & Middle east. We’re stepping up the action. Taped my radio broadcast, worked on a lot of memos, speeches etc. That night to the Britannia for dinner honoring our 31st anniversary. It was a magic evening. The Queen & His Highness are really warm, likeable people. Others came aboard after dinner for a reception & we spent the night on board. Up early today to see them off to Yosemite—Nancy to L.A. & me to Oregon to talk to the Wood & Timber industries—their business is looking up. Met with Repubs. also Sen. Hatfield & Antoinette & Congressman & Mrs. Smith with us also the Gov. Then on to Wash. I’ll be alone again until Fri.