Diary Entry - 03/02/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a rally for Senator Wallop in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
In Peru the "Illuminated Path" terror group frees 260 prisoners.
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Half a morning in the office & then A.F.1—First to Cheyenne, Wyoming for a rally in behalf of Senator [Wallop]. Most successful—2500 inside auditorium plus 1000 outside in rain listening on speakers. Speech well received—enthusiastically particularly by young people present—college & high school level. A children’s choir sang and presented me with a Stetson. Then a brief time with $500 contributors—did a Q&A. On to Albuquerque for Jack Schmitz—4000 at rally—same reception. Then to L.A. and the Century Plaza—dinner with Mommie & Patti.