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Diary Entry - 02/28/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-28-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses the National Association of Independent Schools.

  • President Reagan meets with independent oil producers to discuss how they will be effected by the proposed provisions in the Treasury Departments tax plan.

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Met with Generals Gorman & Galvin. Gorman has been our commander of the Southern region in Panama. I awarded him the highest medal we have for the retired. He’s leaving the svc. Galvin will replace him. Gorman is extremely well informed about Central America & I must say his assessment of the situation, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras et al was rather optimistic. Addressed the Nat. Assn. of Independent Schools at the Wash. Hilton. Well received. Sen. Don Nichols & Rep. Mickey Edwards brought several independent oil drillers to the office. They gave their pitch about the problems the Treasury tax proposal would give them. They have what appear to be some legitimate beefs. I intend to give them a full airing when we settle down to discussing the tax plan.

Next in was Gov. Terry Bradshaw of Iowa re the farm problem. Only 10.4% of the 2.2 mil. farmers are involved in the financial & credit crunch. But they are the kind of farmers you find in Iowa, Neb., Ill. etc. So you have a farm ec. that’s 90% sound nationwide with the crisis all bunched up in one area. The Demos. are demagoging all over the place smelling an issue for ’86. They howl for multi bil. $ bailouts at the same time they demand I do something about the deficits.

Ended the day with some photo meetings—blind veterans, some departures from govt. & top event I presented the Commander in Chiefs trophy to the West Point F.B. team—27 Sr’s. present. They get the trophy for beating Navy & Air Force. A drop by for a reception for Bill Clark & his family. He’s going back to the ranch.

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