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Diary Entry - 02/27/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-27-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan hosts a dinner in honor of Governors of the States and Territories and their spouses.

  • Leaders of the National Governors Association urge President Reagan to raise taxes and cut military spending growth.

  • Governor George Deukmejian declares four California counties disaster areas as heavy Pacific rainstorms continue to lash the state.

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St. Dinner tonite for Nat. Gov’s. Conf. Watched them this afternoon on T.V. A half dozen Dem gov’s. kept sounding off on how our programs were unfair & favored the rich—paralyzed the poor. Their ans? cut defense spending. Our Bud. for H.H.S. is the biggest & highest % of Bud. in history. It is 36.7% of the bud. Defense is only 26.7%. Food stamps are budgeted at $4 bil more than in 1980 & 3 mil. more people are getting them. As for taxes favoring the rich—they are 25% across the board and indexing the tax brackets does nothing for the rich they are already in the top tax bracket. I’m host tonight I’ll try not to get in an argument. Pearl Bailey entertains.

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