Diary Entry - 02/26/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the hostage situation in Lebanon.
President Reagan calls 14 year old Collin Boatwright from Detroit, Michigan who defended a young girl being attacked by a mugger until police arrived.
A 9:30 meeting with our Repub. Congressional leadership. They are determined we are going to have to cut deeply into the Defense budget or we wont get support for our budget cuts. I’m being stubborn as h--l & intend to stay that way. N.S.C. briefing was a report indicating that Assad of Syria seems to be making an effort to get our 4 kidnap victims back from the terrorists—the Hisballah.
Had an interesting lunch with Sec. of Ed. Bennett & David Gardner who headed up our commission on Excellence in Ed. He says our admin. has turned the whole nat. pic. of ed. around for the better.
Photo with editor of Nat. Wildlife Mag. I’ve done an interview with him.
Met with Sen. Armed Svc’s. & Appropriations Committees. Main subject was MX missile. We’re facing a fight on this one. Don came in with the bad news that a messy divorce trial involving a member of the F.C.C. has gone public. It seems he was a wife beater. Thank Heaven the job is not a Presidential appointee one. At any rate he’s being asked to resign. Phoned Cullin Boatright in Cleveland Ohio. He’s a 14 yr. old newsboy who saw a man dragging a little girl into an abandoned bldg. He ran to the nearest house told them to call the police while he ran back picking up a stick on the way. He entered the bldg. & held the attacker at bay until the police arrived. He’s 4&9" & the man was 6&2"—220 pounder.