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Diary Entry - 02/26/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-26-1984

Key Facts

  • The President and First Lady host a dinner in honor of the Governors of the States and Territories.

  • The last U.S. marines in multinational peace-keeping forces in Lebanon leave Beirut.

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Sat. rain in the morning & gray & windy in the P.M. More desk work. Called R.N. [Richard Nixon] told him about letter rcv’d. from Chernenko. I think he’s made it easier for us to approach him about a meeting. Sunday bright & beautiful. Bud MacFarlane called—our 16 inch guns silenced batteries in Syria occupied Lebanon. They had loosed heavy fire against one of our recon planes (no damage to plane). Back to W.H. for dinner tonite with Gov’s. of the 50 states. The dinner was very pleasant & everyone seemed to have a good time. Bob Newhart entertained & was very funny.

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