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Diary Entry - 02/25/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Chief of Staff Donald Regan and Vice President George Bush.

  • The U.S. Supreme Court upholds affirmative action with a 5-4 vote.

View the President's Schedule
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Don R. Geo. B. & I talked over the Ross Perot story. He had talked to both of them as he talked to me. Well this A.M. I had talked to Ed M. I’m going to turn this over to him & our Dir. of the F.B.I. First however I’m going to give it all a good going over—the material Ross left with me.

Then into a bi-partisan Sen. leadership meeting similar to one yesterday with the House. A pretty good meeting except for an outburst by Fritz Hollings that no one understood & a little whimpering by Sen. Byrd.

A brief N.S.C. meeting—nothing much to report. At 11 A.M. over to E.O.B. to address about 80 top CEO’s from the Mid West. They call themselves the Mid-American Committee. The subject was our Competitiveness project. Then back to Oval O. for a meeting requested by Jesse Jackson. He was off on funding for the Black colleges, student aid, S. Africa, & our coming visit with P.M. [President] Moi of Kenya. I tried to explain our position to him.

After lunch—a farewell to Mitch Daniels—his wife & 4 daughters. He’s going back to pvt. life. Geo. S. came by with some suggestions for a speech after the Tower report comes in & another later speech on us & our relation with the Soviets. Then a fine meeting with Suzanne Massie. Very interesting—she suggested maybe I should go to Moscow instead of Gorbachev coming here. Then she dropped bomb. A top Soviet official told her Gorbachev might well be killed if he came here. There is so much opposition to what he’s trying to do in Russia—they could murder him here & then pin the whole thing on us. I dont find the warning at all outlandish. The K.G.B. is capable of doing just that.

A Calif. St. Sen. (Minority Leader & his wife) came by—Sen. & Mrs. Nielsen. A few odds & ends & upstairs. Sec. John Herrington came by. It seems Frank Zarb (former Nixon staffer) a friend of Don R. told John he’d been talking with Don. It seems the conversation got around to Don’s resignation & that Don was thinking of April & a promotion to another job—the Fed. Reserve Board. That just cant be, whether he deserves it or not he is tagged in the minds of a majority as responsible for our problems.

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